Administrators’ Summit ’23 Game Changer

Congratulation to Principal Regina Roberts as she was recognized as a Game Changer at the Administrators’ Summit ’23 on Thursday, August 9, 2023.  A Game Changer is an individual who, through their personality, attitude, and influence, truly stands out from the crowd. They are visionaries, constantly looking beyond conventional methods, conceiving new strategies, and working diligently to transform their school. Dr. Roberts has exemplified these qualities, and I am very happy that CPS acknowledges Dr. Roberts’ outstanding accomplishment.

Dr. Roberts leads Sherman Elementary School with her secret sauce, “Operating from a place of love and passion with the motto: ‘Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,’ enables me to help create a positive culture and climate with trusting relationships at the forefront. My role as an educational visionary is to foster collaboration among all stakeholders which promotes exceptional teaching, distributive leadership, high expectations, the reflection of best practices, and learning for all in a  space where everyone feels appreciated.” Watching and listening to Dr. Roberts was inspiring. 

Congratulations Sherman school! Congratulations Principal Roberts! Very well deserved! – Gilberto Piedrahita, Chief of Network 8